Category: Self
I have finally picked back up The Way of the Wild Heart and started reading it again. It seems an appropriate week to start reading the book again since it is just past Father’s Day and in light of an exchange with my sister on her blog regarding our own father and our relationship with…
Fatter than ever
I am 3 pounds heavier now than when I started running three weeks ago. Muscle mass, anyone? 05272009 Widget powered by EveryTrail: GPS Geotagging I am slowly bumping up my distance, running for longer periods of time, and feeling pretty good about it all (although my knees have been screaming at me the past few…
I have started running again. Enough of being a fatty. Today was the 2nd run, and it hurt. But I’ll probably stick with it – I kinda want to see my boys grow up (despite what my cholesterol says). Maybe I’ll even throw in some pushups and situps for good measure. I’m roughly following the…
Book Study
My buddy Wade has invited me (and a bunch of other guys) to join in on an interactive book study centered around The Way of the Wild Heart: A Map for the Masculine Journey, by John Eldredge. Basically, we read the book simultaneously and post comments, thoughts, etc. on each chapter on our blogs. I…
By way of an introduction
“Foolish boy” I said to myself. How can you be _____________ and so stupid? Fill in the blank – a father, a working professional, more than 10,000 days old, a husband, a friend…. I’ve been telling people for a while that “I know things,” but on the inside the only thing I know is that…