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Joshua Townsend

Product Marketing Manager

Fatter than ever

I am 3 pounds heavier now than when I started running three weeks ago. Muscle mass, anyone?


Widget powered by EveryTrail: GPS Geotagging

I am slowly bumping up my distance, running for longer periods of time, and feeling pretty good about it all (although my knees have been screaming at me the past few days).

Having my BlackBerry Storm with the EveryTrail application for tracking my distance/time/tracks helps, as does music streaming through Pandora on my BlackBerry. And of course, pushing my Everytrail stats to FaceBook, my Blog, and Twitter keeps me accountable to all of you to stick with it.

  • Erica
    Posted May 28, 2009 12:06 am 0Likes

    Yay for the running and the crazy gadgets that keep us motivated! Have you signed up for RunStock yet?

  • Stephanie
    Posted June 9, 2009 9:18 pm 0Likes

    You should retitle this “Sexier than ever” … nothing is sexier than a man taking care of himself… other than a man cleaning… but I digress…

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