occupy_wall_street_bull_in_ropesI caught this picture in my Facebook stream and it struck me with such offense the it sickened me.

Here’s my response: Let’s bind up business, take down the bull. Let’s destroy my investments and retirement that I have worked hard to earn and save. Let’s take down the engine of our economy. Let’s make the desire to earn money, to generate wealth, to rise above an act of shame. Let’s elevate inefficiency, mediocrity, and spite of strength to the status of a moral imperative.

I reject this. I reject what it stands for and will do all within my power to fight your false premises. I will work, create, and rise above. I will generate wealth and gain power and influence and not be ashamed.

I will maintain my morals. I will care for the orphans and widows. I will care for the poor and downtrodden in response to my personal moral code. I will fight corruption and theft. I will not corrupt. I will not be stolen from. But I cannot and will not give up that which I have worked for to those that do not work, that do not create, that do not deserve. I will not dumb down my abilities or be less than I can be to balance inequality of income or strength of mind. I will not compromise and I will not be ashamed. I reject this.


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