Category: Family

  • New House

    Here are some pics of our new house (before I work my handyman magic to make it all nice)

  • Fatherlessness

    I have finally picked back up The Way of the Wild Heart and started reading it again.  It seems an appropriate week to start reading the book again since it is just past Father’s Day and in light of an exchange with my sister on her blog regarding our own father and our relationship with…

  • Oatmeal Cake and Emerald Sequins

    My sister posted a note on a family breakfast favorite: ‘Oatmeal Cake’.  As she recalls, we first learned of Oatmeal Cake (a wonderful breakfast dish that my wife refuses to serve me because of the high fat content) at a retreat center up in the mountains of north central Pennsylvania.  Maybe the low-fat version that…

  • Updates

    So I have updated this site with a new theme, some new widgets and plugins, and some photos. I hope to start actually using it as life slows down a bit. I got a job offer today, and am following up on a few more options that should lead to offers very soon.