Category: Uncategorized
I have merged and has received a face lift as part of a stimulus package at tax-payers expense. has been redirected to and content from the pathetic posting history of has been imported to has become the new hub for things about me on the interwebs.
So I have updated this site with a new theme, some new widgets and plugins, and some photos. I hope to start actually using it as life slows down a bit. I got a job offer today, and am following up on a few more options that should lead to offers very soon.
The unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates, in Plato, Dialogues, Apology Greek philosopher in Athens (469 BC – 399 BC) The examined life is just damn frustrating. Me, in my head, today, at the office Average guy in Virgina (1978 – ???)
Things We Know Now (That We Didn’t Know This Time Last Year)
Found this fun little read while watching the snow fall through my office window today:—2007-50-things-we-know-no1/?imw=Y In Case You Missed It – 2007 50 Things We Know Now (That We Didn’t Know This Time Last Year) By JEFF HOUCK The Tampa Tribune Published: January 1, 2008 It’s been a busy year. But, then, you…
Robert Reich, Labor Secretary under President Clinton. had an interesting commentary on patience this morning on NPR. “After what seemed like an interminable wait on the phone the other day for a service representative to help me fix a holiday gift that wouldn’t work, I heard the dreaded words: “Thank you for your patience.” I…